Missing the Signs
a2z: ‘D’ is for Detour
Most of us see this sign when we are driving and know we need to take a different route.
But how many times does God put a big old DETOUR sign in our lives and we pass by seeing only a blur?
I’d like to say, “That never happens to me.” or “God needed to be a little louder or sent me a bigger sign.”
Lately, I’ve been trying to push God away when opportunities to speak about the We’re Not Blended, We’re Pureed, A Survivors Guide are offered.
I wrote the book, exposed our family to the public, isn’t that enough? Why do I need to be filmed or participate in workshops? I’m done, right? It’s time to concentrate on what I want to write. Fiction.
Well, how about this sign?
That’s it exactly what I want to say back to God, but He’s not having any of that.
He’s sent more opportunities my way–not all for the Blended book–but they involve me speaking to people, even being on a video panel.
My fiction writing seems to be stalling, is it because I’m choosing my own detour and not His?
I think I’m going to start following His detours before He closes the road to my fiction writing.
What detour has God put in your life? How did it turn out? I need encouragement so please share.
I've taken detours that I did not want. When the assisted living kicked my mother out in 2006, I did not want to take her back into my home. My husband and I had taken care of her from 1985-2000 and we both thought we'd done our part. I wanted to continue my writing and I knew it would suffer if I took care of my mother, a full-time job, even with the help of aides. Instead of sending her to a nursing facility we fixed our home so she could live with us again, and we took care of her until she passed away. She actually was much healthier during her last 2 1/2 years with us than when in the assisted living. I resumed my writing in 2009 and the Lord has given us peace of mind over our choices, and the opportunity to pursue our passions. Sometimes you're in the forest and can't see the way out. Still, it's there somewhere and eventually you end up where you're supposed to be if you trust God. He blesses. Bigtime.
Great Lakes,
That is a HUGE detour and it's good to know it worked out well. I'm familiar with the 'forest' sometimes there are some nice cleaings in there and then boom, you're feelig lost again until you make it all the way out.
I left your page open, because I wanted to write a thought. There is just so many!
For me now the most important, a scripture that goes something like this
“there is no fear in love, perfect love chase fear outside. He who fears has not yet become perfect in love”
Thank you for coming up with scripture for this. I'm glad you wrote it because I needed to read it this morning.
*sigh* Two years ago my husband suggested we consider moving back to my parents' property in order to consolidate our debts and get back to “center.” I burst into tears in the middle of Taco Bell.
Fast forward to 2012… suddenly, the “detour” was right. We moved “home” in June. I know it's where we need to be, not just for us and our financial situation, but for our kids and for my folks. Timing is everything. Trust Him! : )
That had to be difficult to do. It's so hard to leave your home. We've been discussing it our house is way to big for 2 people, but it's where the kids grew up….
Looking at your fast forward though is making me think about what gifts I might be passing up by staying here.
I'm noticing a trend in today's posts–interesting. There seem to be some dead ends in front of me as well. I'm praying God shows me the detour he wants–and that I'll recognize it and rejoice in it. Right now, I'm just TIRED.
Guess we're all lost sheep needing our guide.;)
Oh, this is a tough one. I'm not good at recognizing where God is guiding me or, for that matter, guiding me against. If only we had perfectly clear signs that said, “Hi, sweet person. Come this way now. No, not there. Right here. Good job.”
SM! That would be awesome…if only
Oh goodness. You've been spying in my heart, haven't you?! sheesh. Gonna have to mull this one over for a while…not that I want to, which tells you something.
Patty, does this have something to do with your post today? Hard isn't it? 🙁
Hi Diana,
I think I might have needed to read your post. I cut someone out of my life a few months ago and felt better for a few days. I was sure it was the right decision, but, recently, I noticed that since I've done very little blogging and writing. Maybe I'm just in mourning for the end of a friendship, but maybe it's something else. I'm going to have to consider your words, hopefully while blogging and writing.
Praying you figure out the direction you need to go and your writing/blogging jumps back into action.