Not your usual 4th of July celebration
The annual sparks and bang celebration didn’t occur this year. With the lack of rain the grass beneath our feet snaps and crunches.
Fires have burned through Colorado and through a place much closer to us, Mark Twain National Forest.
Orders have been issued and should be followed.
No fireworks in backyards, streets and driveways for the safety of all.
Even the small towns have canceled their displays.
Oppressive heat bears down and we are thankful for the air condition that attempts to keep the kitchen cool. The family–minus two–gather around the table, plates full of Pop’s special burgers, deviled eggs and potato salad.
We eat until we can’t eat anymore.
Tell me in the comments, how did you spend your 4th of July?
*ROW80 update on goals.
Finished a chapter for proposal!
Worked out twice.