Do you write reviews?
Do you read them before you buy a book or a product?
I do write them and it’s not always easy. If I love a book I give it a 5 star it’s the ones that I’m not so sureI love that I struggle with. If it’s a book I don’t leave a three star on Amazon because that’s as bad as a one star, those books I don’t post reviews.
Products? That’s a different story.
This past week I left a one star on a product. I wanted to leave zero stars but it wasn’t possible.
If I had taken the time to read the reviews on this product I wouldn’t have bought it, but I didn’t think about it.
My cats go outside and I needed some flea protection for them. I was at Wal-Mart and usually I pick up Pet Armour. They were out so I snagged a package of Adam’s Top Spot.
Serious mistake. One of my cats, Wendell had a terrible reaction. He was shaking, staring off into space an his fun came out in chunks! I’m fortunate it wasn’t worse. After posting my review I read through the others on Amazon. Many cats have reacted to this product in even more dangerous ways, seizures and horrific sores.
Wendell is fine now. This is an old shot of him feeling well– on top of the fridge.
He’s not quite back to normal but I’m hoping for a full recovery.
So do you write reviews?
Do you think it makes a difference when you post a negative review? In this case I hope my review protects someone else’s beloved cat.