When is it okay to break rules?
When you learn how to write a there are so many rules–double space, start the first chapter 2/3 down the page, don’t use adverbs and the list continues until your head spins.
After writing a while you find out that some of those rules are okay to break, if what you do works.
Today I grabbed a sewing project that I started over a year ago. It’s quite challenging because I haven’t sewn clothing in quite a while. This is a HotPattern Jean pattern. That means tracing the pattern, then cutting it out before you can start to cut out the fabric.
Even though it was challenging I thought I could skip the directions, jump right back into sewing because it’s like riding a bike, you never forget how.
I think that is a myth. I clearly forgot how and my reward was ripping out numerous seams.
Then I read the directions.
They didn’t help. More ripping followed.
The next best way to figure it out? Youtube.
Trudy from HotPatterns to the rescue.
If they turn out I’ll post a photo–don’t hold your breath.
So I learned even if you know your subject or hobby breaking the rules only works if you know the rule first. After that you can play tug-a-war with them and win.
*Rule applies to cooking too. Just because I had a new blender and knew how to turn it on didn’t mean I understood how it worked. I filled it to the top with hot split pea soup and turned it on. Took me weeks to get all the soup removed from the kitchen walls. The joys of being 21 year old bride and a kitchen full of new kitchen toys. Priceless.
What rules have you broken that you had to go back and do it the right way?
Sunday ROW80 Check in:
rough draft of proposal finished
almost compeleted sewing project
blogged 2xs last week and worked out 3 days.
not bad, maybe this goal setting does work.