Overcoming Obstacles
Cell War Notebooks
How do you overcome the huge obstacle of promoting your book if you are dead?
This month is National Cervical Cancer awareness month and today’s post is because of this woman who battled to overcome cervical cancer. She lost.
Her name is Julie.

She wrote a book in 2009 — an inspirational, brave, honest memoir called the Cell War Notebooks, compilation of Julie’s blog posts from the last seven months of her life as she battled cervical cancer with hope, bravery, and a great sense of humor.Julie’s mom is doing what she can to promote the book but she’s asked for help. Having lost a husband to cancer I wanted to do that for Julie’s daughter, Luka.
I accepted the challenge to mention Julie in this post along with her book Cell War Notebooks because the proceeds from her book will help her daughter.
the challenge is to share about a obstacle I overcame.
Anyone who personally knows me will tell you that needles, blood, anything medical-makes me turn green or pass out. I’m not the one to call in an emergency. My youngest will be happy to tell you about the trip to the ER when I got lost because I was so freaked out. Or my oldest will explain how when he called about the accident he was in I didn’t handle it well.
But there was one time I did get over the medical obstacle. My first husband, John had a brain tumor. They tried to remove it but it wasn’t possible to get all of it out. That’s bad enough news and I didn’t think it could get any worse.
Before he was released from the hospital I was told I would be cleaning the head wound and re-bandaging it. I was so scared. There was no way I would be able to look at stitches and staple in my husbands scalp and be able to stand up.
There wasn’t a choice. We didn’t live close to family, our son was only 1. It was me or the risk of infection. I’m not going to give you details –to disturbing to write or read! The first time I did it was extremely difficult. But I made it. I didn’t cause him more pain–at least he was kind enough to say that I didn’t. That obstacle was one of the biggest I’ve ever faced, not just the surgery but his death later. I belive the reason I could do the things required of me is because God gave me the strength.
If you can would you please tell others about Julie’s book? Here is a direct link to purchase it. It is not an affiliate link, all money will go to Luka.