Yes! It is easier than I thought it would be.
Except I can’t seem to post photos from here.
still thinking what to say on the vlog post next week.
Yes! It is easier than I thought it would be.
Except I can’t seem to post photos from here.
still thinking what to say on the vlog post next week.
It’s almost a new year! And I am going to be super-productive…or at least very good at playing words with friends, angry birds, and bookworm. My wonderful husband knows how much I LOVE technology and he gave me an iPad2 for Christmas.
I’m wondering if he realized if I had this I would leave him alone during every single football game?
So this is a post about making memories, almost forgot that! Me and my iPad are going places this year. Might just be to the front porch I don’t know but I can see us swinging on the porch swing and creating all kinds of worlds.
This is the last post for the Jolly Daze Meme. This morning after reading an email from Patty, I realized how easy these are to do. Next week is not going to be easy! I’m doing a vlog post. Yep, trying the video thing again. Am I freaking out? Yes! Who does a video blog the week after Christmas goodies?
So if you think you’re eyes can take it come back next week to see how this turns out.
for more jolly Daze 4u & me click here.