I started with these fabris. I only had to purchace one of them. The rest came from my private stash. Doens’t private stash sound better than –one of the many plastic containers shoved in my craft room closet? I made several mistakes, not so much because I was rushing, but the fact that I haven’t sewn in almost a year means that I’m rusty.
Once I figured out my walking foot wasn’t working right the quiting went smoother.
Joy Banner
Here it is. All done. What do you think? Here’s the link to the post with the magazine photo.
Are you making any decorations for Christmas this year?
I forgot about triangle blocks and having to square them up. So I did a lot of ripping out of stitches.
It doesn’t help that my sewing machine is acting odd. It goes for 2 inches and then tries to stop, tangling the fabric into the hole where the needle goes. I’ve tried putting in a new needle but that hasn’t helped.
So here’s my how my progress looks.
J in Joy
The “J“ hasn’t been appliqued yet. If you missed the orgianal post on slow sewing it’s here.
I think it will go faster now that I’ve made it through the first block.
What have you started and found it hasn’t gone the way you hoped? Diana
The quilt top is finished. It’s waiting to be assembled and tied by the quilters at my church.
Every month 7-10 women gather and haul things from the closet and a corner in a Sunday School room so they can work.
One person sews the binding, a few others make a sandwich (quilt top, batting, and backing) and few more slide needles up and through to ‘tie’ the quilt. Someone will cut squares and make packages for others to sew the tops at home.
In October, the finished quilts are shipped to Lutheran World Relief where they are handed out to those who need them.
It’s a fun project and I’m glad to be a small part in helping someone stay warm.
I often wonder why everyone isn’t excited about piecing a lot of small pieces of fabric into a quilt. It’s much like life-something happens and you pick up the scattered hurts and patch them into something a bit different and useful.
And then I spend a few hours on a Saturday ripping out what I put together the night before and realize this is why everyone isn’t piecing! It’s often painful and no fun at all.
Spiral Tree Skirt someday
This tree skirt may not get finished in time for Christmas. I’ve had to take it apart at least 20 times.
Lutheran World Relief Quilt
This one will get finished. I belong to a small but might group of quilters at my church. We piece together quilts that are collected and used during disaster relief and for the homeless. The idea is to use the fabric donated and just sew the blocks together. I can’t. I must try and make them someone pretty. This is the one I’m working on now. It will get finished soon, but I did make it a diagonal pattern so I might be ripping it out too.
I have a great ripper. Surgical sharp. I know. I’ve caught my finger with it a few times.
I like piecing and I got my love of it from my grandmother Pauline! Yep, she’s a “P” and her photo is on my shelf. When I get discouraged about ripping and starting over I see her smiling face and know I’m not the first to rip, but I have a feeling she was more patient than I.
And because I enjoy torturing myself with small pieces of fabric my next project is going to be a Dear Jane quilt. The finished blocks are 5″ and the entire quilt has over 5000 pieces.
Dear Jane Block
I may need another seam ripper.
*Laury–I visit your posts, but can’t seem to get my comments to work.