10+ Creative iPhone Camera Apps to Make Your Photos Pop
a2z: the letter “I”
Creative Live hosted an iPhone class last week on iPhoneorgraphy. Thanks to Jack “Wow” Davis now have a few new apps to add to some favorites.
What made the iPhoneorgraphy class, even more fun, is that my friend Patty Wysong, took it too. I’m sure you’ll find an “I” post below.

Don’t forget it’s okay to pin to Pinterest just hover and a ‘PIN IT’ button should appear.
Some of these are free and others are under $5.00.
I’ve been using this one for a few months. I love it. I can adjust the exposure.

There is so much to this ap I’m not sure I’ll ever use it all. It will post to INSTAGRAM!

Easy to get full-resolution HDR pictures with this app.

Create posters with photos and quotes.

Use this app to change photos–one of my top picks. I used it to change the poster below.

It’s a mini Photoshop for your iPhone or iPad.
This one is my go to camera now. I get a clear shot because it takes more than one and does some magic thing that makes me look like a better photographer. This guy hates cameras and yet…here he is with a *smile*.

This one is pure fun and not just to entertain kids.

UPDATE!!!! I’ve found another app that can be used on the iPad, iPhone and androids (or use your computer)
I love it’s simplicity in creating graphics for all the social media sites that I use. Facebook covers, twitter posts, Pinterest and more are quick to design.
I used CANVA to make the blog graphic for this post.
Many of these apps are available for the Droid or there are some like them. So go check out some new apps and see what kind of photos you can create!