I’m still using Karen’s book First Draft in 30 Days and I’m actually ahead! Not by much but one day ahead! Thanks Karen. One thing having a calendar has done for me is give me more time. That sounds odd but I would spend the entire day at my computer working or thinking about it or emailing friends. In my heart I felt I couldn’t leave because there was still writing to be done. Having a calendar gives me a goal to reach each day and when it’s reached Yahoo! I can run to my sewing room and quilt. Or maybe since it’s warm outdoors I’ll take my book to the front porch and snuggle in my swing while I read. My husband’s glad as well because now I seem to have time to catch one or two shows on the food channel a week which means new meals for him to try.
Reverence for God adds hours to each day. Proverbs 10:27
So by respecting the gift God has given me to use I plan how to accomplish the tasks for the day. Then I’m rewarded by the blessing of time. Thanks God!