a2z: E is for Exercise
Do you like to workout? I do! But sometimes it starts getting old so what can you do to keep going?
Here are 10 ways to maintain your exercise workout and not in any order of importance.
- Change your workout. It’s good for your brain to refocus on doing an exercise a different way.
Don’t work out sick. You’ll end up hurting yourself. If you’re coughing like a 2-year-old who coughs to get attention then you aren’t sick. You’re bored, see number 1.
Figure out your Workout Social-ablity Needs. Answer these questions to help you decide:
Do you work better alone, in a group or a mix of both?
Do you like your music loud but you live in an apartment?
If you have to drive somewhere to work out will you choose the couch instead?
Would it bother you to run into someone you know while wearing workout clothes?
Now find a class or a spare room and get started!
- Get a workout buddy to hold you accountable. *note this doesn’t have to be a buddy that exercises when you do. I have a friend who calls and asks if I worked out. I can’t lie to her so this works for me.
Get a tip jar. Love this one, it came from Kimberly Smith, my boot camp instructor. After a workout I add some money to the jar.
Weigh-in only once a month on that scale! Exercising two days in a row won’t change the number on the scale, if it did, everyone would be at the gym.
Measure your progress by the tightness of your waistband.
Schedule your workouts. It sounds like a simple thing to do, but if you don’t put it on the calendar you’ll find something else to do.
Feeling stuck, not sure you are doing a move right? Hire a trainer for a session.
Don’t take more than a one day break between workouts–unless you like starting over.
- Start working out on Monday and as early in the day as you can.
- Another good way to be accountable is to join myfitnesspal or sparkpeople both are free.
Use the DVDs you probably have stuck in a basket or hidden behind closed doors on a shelf. When you’re able to predict the next word out of the instructors mouth change to a different one.
If you don’t want to put money in the tip jar, fill a jar with stones and for every pound you lose remove a stone. Thanks Doreen Warfield, my amazing Zumba instructor, for that one.
DO IT FOR YOURSELF. Don’t start this so you’ll look good at a wedding, reunion or special event. It’s a lot of work to get into shape and if you aren’t going to respect yourself to do it for life– then don’t do it. YOU ARE WORTH the time it takes to walk around the block!
And here’s a bonus, if you want to get those 6-pack abs check out this post 10 Best Core Exercises.
Can you add to my tips? If yes, leave them in the comment section please!
I just started using Fitocracy. But I admit that I am not good at exercise. 🙁 I never have been. Even as a youngster gym class was a nightmare for me. I have no talent for movement. But I’m still working at it.
Karla, that’s a new one for me. Is it a program to track food?
I meaner liked gym class either.
Diana a
Thanks inspired day!
Great tips! I tend to get very sleepy after a work out. Maybe I should do it before bed, then I would sleep better!
Barbara, give that a try and see what happens. I tend to get tired at night but then wake up and can’t sleep.
Excellent tips, Diana!! I love walking, but haven’t been. =[ I notice a huge difference when I walk, consistently, a few times a week. sigh. Must restart. Thanks for the encouragement!! =]
Yay Patty! I’m glad I’ve encouraged you to start up again.
These are great tips. Can’t think of a thing to add. You’re so right, Diana~ a person has to WANT it for themselves. My exercise consists of walking around the park. 🙂
Good for you Dora! I like walking our park too. I see a lot of people but I don’t have to talk to them. 🙂
Ugh. I hate working out! I mean, I really despise it. BUT, I like the results so I’ll slog through the bare minimum to keep the scale from tipping in the unpleasant direction.
J’nell, it’s a mindset! You have to start saying I love this, I’m going to feel so great when it’s done.
I’ll admit I didn’t like working out much until I couldn’t. That’s when I realized how much it does for me. What kind of workouts do you do?