Thanks for posting today, Keli.
Here’s some information about Keli and her new book, A Bride Opens Shop in ElDorado, California
Fun (and my favorite) version: Keli Gwyn writes stories that transport readers to the 1800s, where she brings historic towns to life, peoples them with colorful characters, and adds a hint of humor. A California native, she lives in the Gold Rush-era town of Placerville at the foot of the majestic Sierra Nevada Mountains. Her debut novel, A Bride Opens Shop in El Dorado, California, set in the heart of the Gold Country where she lives is currently available.
When Keli’s fingers aren’t hovering over the keyboard of her newfangled laptop, she enjoys strolling past stately Victorian houses in her historic town, burying her nose in reference books as she unearths interesting facts to include in her stories, and interacting with other romance readers. Her favorite places to visit are her fictional worlds, the Coach factory outlet store, and Taco Bell.
To learn more about Keli, you can visit her Victorian-style cyber home at www.keligwyn.com, where you’ll find her parlor, study, carriage house, and more, along with her blog and her social media links.
Widow Elenora Watkins is determined to provide for herself and her daughter without relying on anyone else. Can she run a successful business after falling for the competition? Miles Rutledge finds himself willing to do anything to keep Elenora in town. But can he win her heart while putting her out of business?
I liked this book. Elenora is not a wimpy character. She is a determined single parent making sure her daughter feels like they are family.
Keli is giving away a copy! All you need to do is leave a comment with your email address.
Here’s Keli’s question again.
“I have a question for all of you: If you’re a writer, do you have a typical writing day, or do you tend to have writing seasons as I do?”
My question is: If you aren’t a writer how to you get your reading time?
I just squeeze it in whenever I can, which is rather difficult the last couple of months since my husbands been in the hospital and looking at a slow recovery at home now.
OOPS! I'm not a writer, just a devoted reader!
I'm sorry to hear about your husband..
Sounds like you might have to find pockets of time to read. 🙁
I like the idea of seasons because each aspect of writing requires a different kind of effort and work style. Nice way to look at it!
You nailed it!
We all have our unique styles. Seasons just happened to be the best way I could come up with to describe my writing life. =)
I like your description of writing “seasons”, Keli. I could add an occasional “Barren Season”, too. LOL! There are weeks… even months… when my daily writing routine can be identified, but so much depends on the particular stage I'm at in a story's development.
I'm away from home right now, but my mornings still start with some quiet devotional time, followed by a half hour of catching up on e-mail and favourite blogs. At home I'd move on to working on my current ms, but the interruptions of my current locale means that the serious writing doesn't usually happen until the last couple hours of the evening, after everyone else has gone to bed. I imagine there are as many different writing routines/schedules as there are different writers!
I think they differ too by how many children you have and their ages. I used to be a 'night' writer when my kids were home. Now I get to work the day shift. 🙂
Carol, I've had Barren Seasons, too. They're no fun, are they?
I applaud all those writers who have to fit writing in around day jobs and/or caring for children or elderly parents. I'm an Empty Nester and am blessed to be able to write full-time for now.
I found while writing my book, this world startle me too because dryer buzzers and doorbells didn't belong in my 1800s (writing) life. Nice to know I wasn't the only one.
Thanks for hosting me, Diana. It's great to be here.
Isn't it fun to be so immersed in the 1800s that modern sounds are jarring?
I loved it Keli. Right now I'm trying to write 2012 and am having a hard time adapting to this newfangled stuff.