We leveled the garage yesterday. The hottest day of the year so far, 98 degrees in the shade. We had friends to help and our sons and that made the job much easier. We did fill one huge dumpster and it will take another two to clean up the rest of the debris.
When Ed pulled the garage door away from the front about 30 bats swarmed through the air. We had no idea they were living there! It does explain why there never seemed to be a wasp or mud dauber anywhere around that old building. Around here abandoned sheds are a favorite place for those insects. If I had known they were there I would have contacted someone about moving them. Even though I’d rather visit bats living at the zoo I’m saddened that we destroyed their home.
The inside was really cool. The building was first used inte 1930’s a a machine shop. It was one of the first of it’s kind in Belleville. That made it hard to take down but the wood was rotted and the ceiling had a huge holes!
Oops, we buried the tongs to the bobcat under there! It’s going to take a while to dig them out.
Love the new look of the blog, BTW. It matches the color of my office walls!
We had an old barn like that at my grandma’s house. It was sooooo cool and mysterious as kids. But dangerous so down it came.
I love the digital scrapbooking. I just got PSE for my birthday, still need to install it, but I’m looking forward to doing some of that. Might have to ask you for help. 🙂