I want to spend more time in bible study this year. The last few years I’ve read and reread Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence
It’s a good book but I want more.
Talking with a friend led me to Concordia’s Complete Bible Handbook for students. When I went looking for it I also found Concordia’s Complete Bible Handbook
Searching with the ‘see inside’ feature I knew it was what I was looking for. I’ve ordered it and wanted to share this find with you. Yes, that’s an affiliate link. 🙂
I’ve been searching for the right book to help me learn more about the bible. I think I’ve found it. Searching inside I found beautiful graphics, charts, word meanings and more. One reviewer says there are maps as well! In the last two years of bible study at church I’ve found having maps help me understand what is written in the bible. How far someone had to travel what kind of terrain and where the nearest water is located helps with an extra layer of information.
Do you have other suggestions for me to look at? Please share!
Today I’m up on the www.trainingauthors.com site with a post about using Pinterest. Check it out here. 7 tips for Using Pinterest as an Author
Even if you don’t write you’ll find ways to use Pinterest that you might not known about.
Ooh., Nice resource. Wish I’d known about this when I was doing chaplaincy for Affordable Housing. If I get the job as Chaplain for Breeze Park, it’s definitely a resource I’ll want to add to my library. Thanks for the heads up.
I’m really liking it Jane. I’m hoping it helps me in Eric’s class. He’s so knowledgeable and I’m trying hard to retain it all, this way I can go to this book when I get home for reinforcement.
Praying you get the job.
Diana this is a very cool and helpful post! The Bible meets Pintrest! I love it!
Linda, hadn’t thought of it that way but yeah, I like that or maybe Pinterest meets the Bible?