Word Nerd: FRAME
Now that I have my new iPhone I’m attempting to frame my shots. You’d think by now that would come natural with as many photos I’ve taken. It doesn’t.
Do you remember your first camera? I do, a Kodak Instamatic. I would save my allowance to buy film, then send it off to be developed, positive I had the best photos ever. When the photos came back most of them weren’t want I expected. The subject I wanted weren’t in the frame.
It would have been nice to have my aunt –on the left in the photo too!
After taking a photography class I discovered that the camera doesn’t focus on what we think is important. It just takes an image of where the camera lens is pointed.
With the use of photoshop elements I’ve been able to correct many of my images that weren’t framed the way I wanted. That takes a lot of time because I would take multiple photos hoping to get the right one.
It seems it would be easier to start with the idea of a frame around the image I wanted to capture.
I’ve seen people making frames with their hands so I thought I’d try it.
This one made my husband laugh because my frame was rather unusual. Seems this isn’t the way it’s done.
This time I didn’t have my fingers close enough for a tight frame.
Got it this time, but I didn’t like what I saw in my frame. I turned around and took the other end of the suspension bridge.
What do you think? Did I frame this image right?
Next time you have your camera ready take time to frame the shot. You’ll find things you don’t want in between your hands, there may be a person, a trashcan or a power line. If you do it right you won’t have to spend time in a photo editing program removing unwanted items or cropping to get the image you want.