What’s Your Gasp Level?
a2z: The Letter “G”
What does it take to get your attention?
Not just get it, but grab you by the ankles and pull your feet out from under you?
What does it take to shock you so much you GASP? Your lower jaw drops and you intake a huge amount of air?
Yes, like that.
The recent Miley Cyrus act should have made my face resemble the above photo.
It didn’t. It made me sad for her and for the girls who loved her as Hanna Montana. There is a great blog post written by Daphne E. Tarango called the Day After for Miley Cyrus that says everything I felt.
Maybe I can’t be shocked enough to GASP anymore. The world around me has fallen into such deprivation that even my friends aren’t gasping at what’s happening in the news.
Then my cell phone and the house phone rang at the same time that suprised me, two friends calling at the same time.
There was news, bad news so shocking I gasped.
I called another friend and told her, same reaction. Pure shock. Gasps occurred every time I told a friend.
So what caused this?
My hairstylist is quitting. If you’re a woman you probably gasped too. It takes years to find the right person, to train them to do your hair the way you want it done and then one phone call and you have to start over.
It’s refreshing to know if something is personal my friends and I have the ability to rapidly suck air into our lungsand let out a gasp.
What we need to do is to relearn to be shocked enough to gasp at what is happening in the world. Even though we are not of this world we do live here, we need to be shocked enough to gasp at what is wrong. Not just losing our hairstylist.
Perhaps we (I) need more courage to face the things that should cause me to gasp and call them evil.
“Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.” 1 Corinthians 16:13 TNIV

Thanks for linking to my article.
Daphne, it was a good artcile. 🙂
I pray my hairdresser never quits! Horrors!
Karla, I pray the same for you. 🙂
It’s been fun seeing how many women relate to this.
I truly get the hair stylist thing. I’ve been with the same guy for over 13 years and the thought of finding someone else just seems like A LOT of work. As far as changing the world – I’m a firm believer of “one prayer at a time”. Loved your G post! 🙂
See Linda! That’s it! I’ve been with Tara almost that long and wow…the change is going to be hard.
I needed that reminder–one prayer at a time.
Ok. Losing a hair stylist IS a gasp-worthy moment. Also, there are things my children do that make me gasp. Better to gasp then to spew the words from my mouth! My youngest is fearless…it has caused many, many gasp-worthy moments. But I’d rather be the one gasping now and laying down the law so that they have few gasp-worthy moments once they leave my house:)
Susan, love that! I forgot how many times I had that reaction with my children. I too had one child that should have been named, “child who has no fear!”
I’d gasp and fall over crying if my stylist left too. She’s the greatest thing that’s ever happened to this head of hair.
J’nell! Thank you for understanding! It took forever to find the right person.
So very true, Diana. It’s sad and says much about us as a society. =[
So Patty how do we change the world? 🙂
Great post. I am constantly amazed at the things that no longer shock people. In the age of instant communication and information, attention spans have fallen to zero.
Tom, it bothers me a lot that we aren’t shocked and I wonder how much farther we will fall.