Stepping into the Sunlight by Sharon Hinck
Penny Sullivan finds herself in a new neighborhood, her husband is deployed, and her support system not yet in place when she finds herself witnessing a shocking crime. Unable to leave her home even to purchase food for her young son she knows she has to get better, but how? She has her faith or does she? And if she has faith why can’t she move forward?
I can’t remember the last time an author reached inside of me and pulled out my story. Hinck has done just that, while I’ve never been in a holdup I’ve been a prisoner of anxiety. I was on those pages with Penny Sullivan, holding hands with her praying she would be able to take each step.
I finished this book with a huge ‘take away.’ God wants my best, even if my best is only the smallest thing I can do that day. I wish I had read this book four years ago. I’m finally coming out of my dark corners and I know this book, while a work of fiction has the power to heal. Thank you Sharon for writing it.