Grandparenting is Life Changing
Today ends the first year of being a first time grandmother. It’s my grandson’s first birthday so I wanted to share ways he has changed my life.
I’ve to learned how to diaper with cloth diapers that snap! (Velcro is much easier!)
I thought my house was kid friendly but forgot how little ones stand up and hit their heads on desks.
Discovering that normal things like magazines and glass doors are giggle-worthy.
Baby food doesn’t always come in glass jars, sometimes it comes in squeeze packets. I had to ask for help on how to open these!
Putting a child in a car seat is a major time investment and you pray you have it right and the baby still has arms when you’re done.
The joy I feel when he smiles at me—well there are no words!
Holding a little one again reminds me of how precious life is and how blessed I am to have this one in my arms.
Open mouthed, slobber kisses are better than anything I can purchase.
Watching a one year old has the advantage of a high calorie workout.
Pulling out toys that belonged to his father makes storing them worth it when you watch the excitement on his face. It seems even at a young age a new pair of wheels is the best.
One of the biggest blessings I’ve experienced this past year is watching my husband with our grandson. We didn’t have babies together. I didn’t get to see how he gives himself completely, that look of pure love that washes over his face when he’s holding him and the silly but loveable way that he plays with a baby.
Another blessing is watching my son be a dad. Wow. It takes my breath away to see the man caring for his son. Add to that the closeness I have with my daughter-in-law and I can’t imagine life being any better.
Happy Birthday Big Guy!
This post is so sweet! He brings so much joy to all our lives!
Thank you Sara, it was heartfelt maybe not the best written. 🙂
Happy birthday, Luke! Have a great birthday (you picked a great day to be born!).
He says, “mmmbobbobob” I think that means thank you. 🙂