Marketing Success or Woes
As most of you know last week was all about marketing for me, was it a success or full of woe?
I feel that it was a success, I had two great authors Pam Hillman and Johnnie Alexander Donely also marketing at the same time since our books released at the same time.
Some of the ‘how to’ I learned from the Indie Author Book Marketing Success.
While the book may not be for a beginning author I know I would have read this back when I started writing. I’m the kind of person that wants to know everything when I get started–no harm in that.
I’m not an indie author, but I found a piece of gold in each chapter that I can apply to marketing a traditional book. It’s good to know what has worked for others so you have a less rocky road to travel.
Staci Stallings included a list of hashtags which is worth far more than the price of this book.
Face it even traditional authors are responsible for so much marketing this book is a huge help.
I want to thank you all for being so patient with me last week while Mind of Her Own was on sale. I hope you were able to get a copy along with Johnnie’s Where Treasure Hides and Pam’s Claiming Mariah. It was a challenging week of learning how to write tweets and facebook posts. As a reader and before being published I didn’t realize how much extra work a writer must do to get books noticed…kind of like when you become a teacher and find out you need to also be the volleyball coach, take on car lane duty and be an art teacher!
I think you did a great job advertising your book! I saw it several places, several times, but it wasn’t overbearing or too much. Great job! Now I have to check out this book…and put it on the To Read list (AFTER Mind of Her Own!)
Carrie, thank you so much for that. I don’t like in your face marketing so that means a lot to hear it wasn’t too much. Yes, check out this book, I think it’s on sale today for .99…not possitive though.
It’s on sale until the 21st – and we are giving away bonus gifts and hosting a giveaway 😉
Thanks for posting your review, Diana! We’re so glad you found this book helpful 🙂
Heather, you’re welcome. It was insightful.