a2z: J is for Jukebox
It’s “J” week on the a2z meme. I didn’t know what to write about so I asked my husband, Mr. Quiet, “Any ideas?”
Mr. Quiet, “Jingle, juggle, joy.”
Love the man, but while he can remember the oddest things he has trouble recalling what I’ve written about on this blog. While I’m mulling over the best wife responses to his suggestions, he comes up with another word.
“What can I possibly write about a jukebox?”
“All those times you hung out with friends in college listening to music instead of going class? Dropping hard-earned money in the slot to play your favorite songs?”
Again, Mr. Quiet has forgotten a few things I told him about my college experience. It was nothing like his. I never went anywhere except to class, the cafeteria and the library. Oh wait, there was the year I discovered the foosball table. I might have missed a few math classes because I was winning.
“Do they even have those things anymore?”
Mr. Quiet, “Don’t know, maybe they’ve been replaced by the cloud.”
“Maybe. How sad.” In my hometown at the Frost Top restaurant there was a jukebox. My family went there sometimes for burgers. My favorite song was, “I Shot the Sheriff.” My dad seemed to run out of money after I played that one…wonder if it was because he was a policeman?
Just in case you are too young to know what a jukebox is let me define it for you. It a beast of a record machine, you put in your money and picked a song from the menu. There would have been a button next to the song with an A or a B and a number, and it looked like this:

Imagine carrying that around with you instead of an iPod.
That was a great “J” thing! Brings back many childhood memories!
Hey Linda,
Glad it brought you a smile.
I love the nostalgia of a jukebox. Definitely not as handy to carry around, but still pretty cool.
J’nell, if I had a basement I think I’d like to have one. The novelty would be fun.
Jukeboxes are VERY fun – and I KNOW I’ll have that song in my head for the rest of the day. But that’s okay.
Fun post 😀
Sorry Joanne. 🙂 I can’t get it out of my head either today. 🙂
Oh my gosh. That song is on my top 10 “I can’t stand this song” list. Don’t know why. Just never cared for it. It’s right up there with “American Pie.” Love jukeboxes though!
What? You’re top ten really? LOL can’t say that I like it any more, but “American Pie” I still like 🙂
lol. This conversation sounds eerily familiar. 🙂
Dora, does that mean you picked the same word? 🙂 I’ll have to go see. 🙂
LOL about the reaction of your dad! Some local 50’s diners still have working jukeboxes- really fun!
Barbara, since going gluten free diners aren’t a place I go. 🙁 I miss them.