Interesting comments on my ‘finding a voice entry.’
Jennifer Tiszai said…
I’ve been to your state Jen, and I loved it. My brain was alive with stories. I think it’s the accent, it makes me hear things differently.
Casey Freeland said…
Have fun on your travels!
I did have fun on my trip, Casey. Thanks. I spent a lot of time in the hotel sleeping though because I was sick. I did get to explore the library there though. Beautiful! It’s a Carnegie Library, marble floors and stairs. I wanted to spend the night there. AS for voice, you’re right when voices are forced they do begin to sound like a Dick and Jane reader.
Blissful said…
Hi Blissful, glad to see your comment on my page. I like that your heroes sound and act like your hubby. My first three books have been modeled on mine as well. I think God he gave me such a great hero to copy. Now that I’m on my 4th novel though I think it might be time to stretch a bit and find more depth. I’m checking out Daniel in the bible. I’m thinking there’s a powerful role model.