Source: via Kjirsten Brynn on Pinterest
I’m settled in my new blog home.
There isn’t a lot of change that as a blog reader you will notice. My header looks much nicer now thanks to my friend, Laird.
Some thing you might find different is where to comment. It’s there, I promise. If there isn’t a big comment box, look for a bubble like you’d see in a comic strip.
I’m also putting my posts into categories. The dropdown box is on the right sidebar. Pick the topic that appeals to you, and those posts will show up for you to read.
Yay! Glad to see such a great result after all the hard work. Welcome to WordPress 🙂
Ellen, the hard word was done by Larid. 🙂 We know who the genius is right? 🙂
Congratulations, on the new home.
What a surprise, to see this typing areas turned up
LOL Retha, I love the pink.
It’s looking great! Love the color scheme. 🙂 It’s relaxing!
Thanks Chantel. I love the colors too. LOL I just realized I used your name for a character (sort of) in my next book. That’s hard to explain. It is a character, but the character is in a story.
Love it! Nice work Diana.
Hi Chark! I love your little photo on the side. Cute. 🙂
Looks great, Diana! Laird did a super job 🙂
She sure did, Kim. She even made things PINK!!!!! Love that.
Looks great, Diana and Laird! 🙂
Thanks Tami, Laird is amazing!
Ooooh!!! Pretty. It’s really beautiful. Nice job, Diana and Laird!
S. M! Nice to see you in the comments.
Fantastic, Diana! Congratulations!
Hi Rita! Thanks for looking. 🙂
Aw, I am glad you like it! And yay! Now you are on WordPress! 🙂
I do like it–no I LOVE IT!
Wow! Beautiful. Not only do I love the look , but I’d like to move in 😀
Barbara, thank you. I wish that was my library. 🙂
The site looks awesome! Strong work, Laird & Diana.
Thanks Liv! She took my photos and blended them so well, plus all those behind the scene things I don’t get. 🙂
Very nice, Diana! 🙂
I’ve missed you! Thanks for picking up the slack for me–I appreciate it!! 🙂
No problem Patty. I had a feeling you might be busy. 🙂