Is There Room in Your Heart?
a2z: The letter “H”
Have you watched little children when they talk about Jesus?
Their faces light and their eyes shine with love.
Jesus is their superhero. He’s amazing, everything they’ve ever done wrong is gone because HE said so.
I see those little ones and I think their hearts must be completely filled with Jesus.
I remember being like them.
Now, other things start taking over my heart: worry, how much I weigh, and finances are most likely the first three that claimed a spot.
Before long I have many things trying to crowd Him out of my heart. And yet, He is there, waiting patiently for me to ask Him to remove those troublesome things.
I”m trying something new. Want to try it too? I’m giving my heart back to Him and waiting for His answers. (At least for the next 2 days, then I’ll need to re-read this post and start over, because I’m human.)
Psalm 5:3 NIV
In the morning,A)”> Lord, you hear my voice;
in the morning I lay my requests before you
and wait expectantly.
in the morning I lay my requests before you
and wait expectantly.
Great photos to make your point. How often we go along our path and leave Jesus behind, rather than placing him in the lead and following in his footsteps.
Donna Winters
Donna! So nice to know your name. :)it justnhitnme how much easier it would be if Jesus had my whole heart. Or there wouldn't be any boulders to crawl over.
Wow, what a great reminder this morning. Yeah, I'm a few days late, but it's just so you'll see this note and be reminded of how much he loves you. 🙂
Ginger, that made me smile. I needed to be reminded this morning–probably every morning.
Thank you for the visit Diana.
Great post. Great reminder.
Thanks Liz.
Think I need to go dig my heart stone out and put it where I can see it to remember I am asking too.
Once when I was at a beach and needed it, I found a stone that looked like a heart. Think it will come in handy as a reminder for this post of yours.
Retha, finding the heart stone is a great story. I need one. 🙂
Awesome! Visual aids…always helpful in getting us to understand. Didn't Jesus tell us to come to Him with childlike faith? This (your post) is exactly what that means. Think like a child, believe like a child…Jesus said it? Okay. That's all I need to know. Fantastic post!
I'm a visual learner so it made since to me to show it rather than tell it.
Wow. Those visuals provide a strong image. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Valerie, it took me a long time to get those rocks in the heart shape. I had a four legged helper.