Pam Hillman Shares Oreos & Claiming Mariah
Pam’s written a new book Claiming Mariah. I loved it. Read my review of Claiming Mariah.
She also has a great give away going on so don’t miss what she has to say at the end of this post.
CAUTION!!! Pam doesn’t have to eat gluten-free but you can still make her recipe gluten-free by using those pretend gluten free oreos.
K Let’s take a break from the busyness of blogging and talk about something yummy! I am in search or the easiest Oreo Truffle recipe on the face of the planet.
The recipe I’m going to share below for Oreo truffles are melt-in-your-mouth delicious, but I will tell you that they are hard to make. But never fear, I think I’ve found an easier recipe, so read on to find out what it is, and enjoy the “eye truffles” along the way.
Triple-Chocolate Oreo Truffles (version one)
1/2 cup cold milk
1 pkg. (3.9 oz.) JELL-O Chocolate Instant Pudding
36 OREO Cookies, finely crushed (about 3 cups)
1-1/2 pkg. (8 squares each) BAKER’S Semi-Sweet Chocolate (12 squares), melted
1 square BAKER’S White Chocolate, melted (optional)
First thing you need to do is to crush the Oreo cookies as small as you can. If you mix your pudding and milk first, it will start thicken too soon.
Mix ½ cup milk and 1 pkg of instant pudding. Fold the cookie crumbs into the pudding mixture.
As you can see from the picture, it will be very crumbly. Don’t add milk. Crumbly is good!
Next, form small balls on a cookie sheet. This can be a little messy. I’m not sure how to do this without making a mess, but do your best. If you have a mini ice cream scoop, try that.
Once you have all your pretty little balls ready, put them in the freezer for 15-20 minutes. Then melt the baker’s semi-sweet chocolate and roll the Oreo cookie balls. Place them on a piece of wax paper until they harden.
Melt a square or two of white chocolate and drizzle on top of the chocolate balls if you want to make them just a little more elegant.
Serve with ice cold milk and enjoy!!!
Breaking news!
My sister-in-law made some Oreo Cream Cheese Truffles using cream cheese. That sounded a LOT easier than the ones I made, and I have to say, her recipe does look simpler.
Triple-Chocolate Oreo Truffles (version two)
36 OREO Cookies, finely crushed, divided
1 pkg. (8 oz.) PHILADELPHIA Cream Cheese, softened
16 oz. BAKER’S Semi-Sweet Chocolate, melted
Now that I’ve found this other recipe, I must make these again. All in the name of research, you understand.
What about you? Have you made Oreo Truffles? Please share your recipe for the fastest, easiest, yummiest Oreo Truffles known to man!
Pam is thrilled to announce the release of her second novel,
Claiming Mariah
In light of her father’s death, Mariah Malone sends a letter that will forever alter the lives of her family. When Slade Donovan, strong willed and eager for vengeance, shows up on her front porch, Mariah is not ready to hear his truths: her father’s farm, the only home she’s ever known, was bought with stolen gold. With Slade ready to collect his father’s rightful claim and force Mariah and her family out on the streets, Mariah must turn to God for guidance. Though Mr. Fredrick Cooper, a local landowner, promises to answer her financial woes if she agrees to be his bride, Mariah finds herself drawn instead to the angry young man demanding her home.
With the ranch now under Slade’s careful eye, he will unearth more than he ever imagined as a devious plot of thievery, betrayal and murder threatens more than the well-being of the ranch, endangering the lives of those who hold it dear. With days dwindling until the rest of the Donovan clan arrive to the Lazy M ranch, Mariah and Slade must rise above the resentment of their fathers and see their true feelings before greed alters their futures forever.
Claiming Mariah Amazon link:
Claiming Mariah B&N link:
Claiming Mariah CBD link:
Claiming Mariah Goodreads link:
Claiming Mariah 1st Chapter:
To celebrate, Pam is giving away two eReaders
(choice of Kindle Wi-Fi, 6″ Display, or Nook Simple Touch)
Two Winners: One on facebook. One through Pam’s Newsletter.
Facebook Drawing for Kindle/Nook
Registering both places is not required but will double your chances of winning. Also keep in mind that you will receive updates more often being connected on facebook than through the newsletter. Just sayin’
Contest runs from January 1st until March 31st, 2013.
And….that’s not all! There will be prizes offered randomly throughout the tour.
This week’s giveaway:
February 5th: Blogging with Becky Jacoby
February 7th: Blogging with Jo Huddleston
Click for a Complete List of Stops Along the Tour
Awesome Pam! 🙂
Yeah, I agree….could not get any better than oreo truffles and Starbucks!!!
Jackie, maybe Chi tea–not coffee yuck. 🙂
Jackie, somehow I missed your comment earlier today! Waving!!!!
Jackie, you and I will have our Starbucks and we’ll fix Diana a huge, steaming cup of Chi tea. What fun!
Diana, I’m craving Oreo Truffles RIGHT now! lol And I just realized that this week’s giveaway is a $10 Starbucks card.
How cool is that?
Starbucks, Oreo truffles together????
Pam, you are making me laugh….you do know they didn’t have OREOS in the 1800s right? How sad that you made Mariah live during that time. 🙂
Poor Mariah. Not to have Oreos! Ack!
Oreos were invented in 1912 according to one source, so she probably had them in her dotage. I am almost positive that Slade bought her some for their fiftieth wedding anniversary.
That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!
I think there is a tweet in there somewhere. 🙂
You really put me on the spot, Diana, but I did it! Diana is the TweetMaster…I’m just a little peep. 🙂
But, there is an Oreo tweet for their 50th wedding anniversary. Peeps who tweet can search for #Digital1st to keep up with all of the Digital First authors’ chirps, tweets, and Oreo treats!