Organize with Post it and Washi Tape
Michelle had this amazing ‘to do’ board video and I wanted to see if I could make her system work for me.
Michelle has a much larger company than I do. My company has 3 employees.
Me and
Oliver and Wendell.
So I have this ‘to do’ board but instead of ‘doing’ those things I made a video. I think my hand gets in the way once, sorry about that! If you don’t have time to watch most of what I said about post it notes and washi tape organization is below the video.
I could have made a huge board with all the daily chores that need to be done around the house but honestly that was too depressing! So I thought this board would work better for my office chores.
I have two Ikea bookshelves –full of course and one of the sides is close to my desk. Perfect place to do my board. Michelle uses white board but this was handy and free.
I bought some fun tape at Target in the scrapbook aisle. There were a lot of choices but I went with something tame.
I probably should have used something to make sure the lines were level but that’s not my style. I did measure to make sure there would be room for the post it notes.
I kept it manageable for me. My columns can be changed by removing the top post it. I have 5 ‘to do’ lists that I can easily keep track of. One thing I loved about Michelle’s idea was the horizontal line at the end of her boards to keep track of what’s been accomplished. I like to see what I’ve finished by the end of the week.
Right now my columns are:
A Time to Dance—rewrite for ebook
Numbers—where I’m keeping track of an ad I placed and how it effects the amazon ranks
L&L –another book I’m working on
Blogs-where I keep ideas or where I need to write a post for someone else
Social-media—what tweets, fB, google+ I want to focus on for the week
Critiques and Reviews—I need to know where I stand in the stack of books I have to review and what needs to be sent back to my critique partner.
Here’s a link to Michelle Shaeffer’s video on using a white board with post it notes.

How do you make your to do lists? Please share!
OK .. this sounds like fun for the whole family! I can see boards for my kids and each of their school assignments…I wonder how well that will work. Going to try it and see! Thanks for sharing the cool idea!
I think the kids might like it. You should watch Michelle’s video so you can see how it works with a group. So far I like the way the to do list is working and it’s a good reminder to see where I’ve been.
I LOVE this idea and very fun video!!
Great sense of humor too 🙂
Thanks Angie.