a2z: the letter “R” for repeat

I made a list of things I tend to do without thinking.
Ten things I do on autopilot
- Check email
- Writing blog posts
- Making dinner
- Holiday get-togethers
- Church
- Going to Target
- Working out
- Calling my mom
- Feeding the cats
- Saying “I love you” to my husband.
While all are good things I’m not liking my list. I want to do more than operate on autopilot.
I want to feel the repeat, know that what I’m doing is good and right. I want to look forward to the next time I do the task.
So my goal for the week is to think before repeating a task and see if I can find joy in what I’m doing even it it’s from unsubscribing from a shopping site.
I love lists don’t you?
Ouch… I’m guilty of the autopilot thing too, in many areas. The Holy Spirit reminds me periodically to SLOW DOWN as I go through my daily tasks, everything from brushing my teeth to feeding the dog. For some reason, consciously slowing down shuts down that autopilot reaction and makes the task ALIVE again. In other areas, doing something a different way or in a different place can break the cycle, like reading a different Bible version, or reading aloud. Thanks, Diana, I needed to remember this!
Niki, I did that once–the slow down thing. I need to try it again. Thanks for reminding me.
I would add one to the list, though I KNOW it shouldn’t be done on autopilot — quiet time/Bible reading. It’s sad to say that at times I found I’ve “read” through several verses when in reality I was thinking about something totally different and not concentrating on what God wanted to say to me.
I wish I could put “calling Mom” back on my list. She’s been gone 10 years now, but there are still days when I’d like to share something special with her.
Ginger, you are braver than I. I considered putting that on the list but I hung my head in shame and couldn’t do it. Then I remembered God’s grace and said, “Thank you!”
I wish you could call your mom too. I know my time with mine is growing shorter and I love talking to her. It’s just become a thing that I do without thinking 8:30 call mom. I want it to be 8:30 Call Mom!!!!!
That is a good decision to make, I should join you in doing it. I do, specially the crossing off from the list.
Unpleasant happenings in life makes these daily activities huge events, as days roll into months and many lines on the lists gets crossed off those activities became just that again.
Very true, Retha. When life is upside down we long for these everyday repeats becasue they are normal, but it doesn’t take long for them to become the same old thing.