As I started reading Courting Morrow Little here was a moment of confusion as some of the characters seemed familiar! And of course they were as this is book 2. It follows The Frontiersman’s Daughter. If you’ve never read it, pick it up, it’s good. You don’t need it at all to for this book though. As Captain Click plays a very small role.
Morrow is the tragic heroine, caught between loving the civilized world and her home in Kentuckee (yep, spelled that right–read the book.) She’s come home from the East where she’s learned fine manners and the proper way to dress. Back home, she quickly falls back into her old ways eager not to appear better than her friends. Yet, she attracts the attention of two men of rank, one in the Army and the other Shawnee warrior.
I read this book while sitting on my swing and the heat and birdsong added to the setting of this book, though it wasn’t needed. Franz plays well with her words and quickly brings you into the wilderness.
The plot of Courting Morrow Little has many layers making it an excellent read.

Oh I'd love to, but first I must finish a proposal and by then I'm sure you'll have it all under control. I started reading An Irishwoman's Tale (hope I got that right–it's upstairs and I'm not!) It's very intriguing. Love it so far.
First I've got to read YOUR book! Still in my purse. Sigh. Wanna come to Normal and help me unpack?????
Blessings, dear one.