Whisper on the Wind is so different from what has been coming out in historical books. I hope we readers see more books that take place in during the World Wars. This book takes place during WW1 and is set in Belgium. For me reading this was made more personal by the fact that my in-laws parents are from there. I came away with a better understanding of what it must have been like to live, fall in love and have children (they were growing up during WW2) so while the time is not the same the difficulties were similar.
Isa is an American who spent most of her childhood in Brussels, while she was there she fell in love with Edward. Her parents whisked her away to safety in America when the war started, but that didn’t stop Isa’s love. No, she finds a way illegally back into Belgium, which she considers her country. The only thing she finds unchanged is her love for Edward, but he doesn’t want her love and now she’s stuck in a dangerous situation.
The plot in this book involves so much more than pure romance. There is a feel of danger, hope and hopelessness throughout the pages.
Preorder this book! It’s available September 1, 2010!
Here is the blurb:
Belgium, 1916–The German Imperial Army may have conquered Belgium on its march through Europe, but the small country refuses to be defeated. An underground newspaper surfaces to keep patriotism alive and bring hope and real news of the war to the occupied country. It may be a whisper amongst the shouts of the German army, but it’s a throrn in their side nonetheless–and Edward Kirkland will do anything to keep it in print…even risk his life.
Isa Lassone is a Belgium socialite whose family fled Europe at the first rumbling of war. Now two years later, she sneaks back across enemy lines, determined to rescue Edward–the man she has loved from afar since she was a child.
But will he ever see her as more than the wealthy silly girl his mother once cared for as a daughter?
When Edward refuses to leave, so does Is, and soon she is drawn into his dangerous double life. As the Germans close in on the paper, Edward realizes he’s put more at risk than he’d planned…especially the beautiful, smart, yet obstinate your woman who has inconveniently managed to work her way into his life–and into his heart.
*Book provided to me free from Tyndale House Publishers. It does not mean it gets reviewed favorably. If I don’t like it I don’t review it.
I really love Maureen and haven't picked up one of her books in a LONG time!
Thanks for reminding me.
Hey, girl. You're a great writer.
Don't forget it.