Super Size Everything
The word SUPER has been on my mind. Could it be from all the big game hoopla? Probably.
Many things get SUPER added in front of them:
Super Man
Super Bowl
Super Duper
Super Mom or Dad
Super Sized
That’s it, the one I want to write about Super Sized.
I used to be Super Sized but I’ve been working on becoming normal-for-me sized. It hasn’t been easy and I’m not done yet.
Some of the SUPERS I’ve changed are:
NO big sodas
NO seconds at dinner
NO super relaxing most of the week.
Now I:
Super Workout–and I’m loving it. All the muscles that are stretched and toned and even achy are worth it.
Super Food (healthy!) I added more friut and vegetables to my diet.
Super SparkPeople and My Fitness Pal for tracking food and workouts.
I’ve also Super Sized my bible reading time. I think that may be the best super sizing that I’ve done this year.
What about you, do you super size any thing?
I am working on un-supersizing me, but the medical stuff keeps making it harder. But I refuse to stop trying! Thanks for a greatly encouraging post!
Mary, medical stuff is difficult but don’t give up!
It is difficult when one do not know how to get rid of the super in one’s weight. Learning to stay away from gluten must have been good to hear, but a bit more challenging to live with.
“Super Sized my bible reading time” so good to have super in that!
Retha, staying away from gluten is harder than hearing I need to was. It’s everywhere. 🙁
Yes, increasing the size to super for bible reading time is a good thing for me. You would probably have to super-super size your time because I know you read and study a lot. 🙂
Great question, and not easy for me to answer. We seem to live a very balanced life during our retirement! I suppose if anything of ours got Super-Sized by comparison to years past, it’s our travel time since buying our used motor home in April 2010. We made relatively short trips that year, getting used to the vehicle and decided how to customize it to fit our needs. Then in 2011 and 2012 we took month-long trips as part of our travel. We’ll do it again this year. Same place each year, to my hometown where we promote my book while visiting with relatives.
Donna, you are living my dream. 🙂
We used to have a motorhome, then a fithwheel and we had to give up –lack of time to go anywhere and disel fuel is so expensive we couln’t afford to go anywhere. Still miss it.
Good for you Diana. While our topics have different names, they are very much the same. I wish you continued success on de-super-sizing yourself. 🙂
I saw that Ginger. It is frustrating when the weight won’t leave and you feel like you’ve done everything right. Mine didn’t budge until I stopped eating gluten (not for weight loss but becasue I had to) and began doing more weight building workouts. Dancefit helps, Zumaba, essentrics (dvd) and power stretch classes have made a difference for me.