a2z: Confidence
10 Ways to Build Your Confidence
1. Spend time with God: “The Lord will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being snared.” Proverbs 3:26
2. Work out doing something you know you can be successful at: walk, bike or toss a ball to the dog
3. Try something new–think like a cat, they tend to jump at new opportunities and feel they’ve done the right thing.
4. Mentor someone who wants to do what you do–you’re a mom? Great there are lots of new moms you can help, find one at your church.
5. List your strengths–Yes you do have them. Think small to big: I make my bed everyday to I can fly a plane.
6. Set small achievable goals
7. Volunteer
8. Practice the skill that makes your confidence quiver–you don’t have to do this in front of people! Use your video on your phone.
9. Correct each negative ‘brain talk’ with two positives about yourself. Click to tweet.
10. If you can’t get out of the low confidence mode don’t fear seeking help from a professional
And my favorite: find that inner two-year old
2 Year-Old Ballerina Crashes Mommy s Audition… and Steals the Show! from kidsarecute on GodTube.
What shakes your confidence?
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