a2z: the letter “R” for repeat

I made a list of things I tend to do without thinking.
Ten things I do on autopilot
- Check email
- Writing blog posts
- Making dinner
- Holiday get-togethers
- Church
- Going to Target
- Working out
- Calling my mom
- Feeding the cats
- Saying “I love you” to my husband.
While all are good things I’m not liking my list. I want to do more than operate on autopilot.
I want to feel the repeat, know that what I’m doing is good and right. I want to look forward to the next time I do the task.
So my goal for the week is to think before repeating a task and see if I can find joy in what I’m doing even it it’s from unsubscribing from a shopping site.
I love lists don’t you?