Yellow the Sun Color and Vitamin D
a2z: the letter Y
It’s January and I’m craving the color yellow. Between now and March where I live there is a noticeable lack of sunshine .
The gray cold days take over offering shivers rather than the prefered warmth and happiness that I thrive on. I find if I go to my room I feel better. Clothed in yellow walls I’m surrounded by the color of the sun. My mood improves, soon I’m feeling happy.
It could be I need more vitamin D this time of year. People with celiac have difficulty in absorbing D vitamins from the food we eat. There are subtle signs of deficiency, fatigue, bone pain and weak muscles. It’s always a good idea to get tested before adding vitamins to your daily routine. I have been tested–hate that as I don’t like needles, and found that I do need to take vitamin D.
So I’ll take an extra dose, and hang out in my yellow room more often.

To not have the sun I know will be too much for me. THE reason we did not emigrate when all the others did from here.It is already noticeable that our summer days are shrinking, already counting the days for the sun to come back. ;o) Winter here is cold- for us- but we can still enjoy the outside.
how cold does it get where you are in the winter? What kind of winter activities are you able to do?
I’m in Arizona, so we have lots of sun in the winter. In fact, I spend more time outside in the winter than I do in the summer. I love it. I grew up in Michigan and used to get so depressed at the gray, gloomy winter days. I would never move back! Hope you get some sunshine soon!
Hi Liz,
I’ve been to Arizona in the winter and understand why you want to stay. The rainbows alone are amazing.
I get that like during the summer here in Florida some days it just rains and rains. It makes me gloomy. I don’t mind a day of rain but tons of days of rain just get me down. I love your yellow room! I have a yellow room in my house but it’s the kids play room!
Hi Beth,
I’m thinking you get to spend lots of ome in the kid’s play room. I miss those days.
Rainy days are nice you’re right, but not when they never seem to end.
I live where one day it’s freezing and the next it’s warm. It’s a roller coaster and one just never knows. I had a older lady tell me when I was still in high school to surround myself with bright colors. If nothing else- I find them colorful and happy!
YES! Bright colors make me happier too. Pink is my happy boost.
Thank you for sharing this. I love your yellow room. I also appreciate your being tested before taking vitamins since I’ve had an issue with this before.
Sorry to say, living in CA I still get to go outdoors and walk. It does improve my mood.
I did get tested because it didn’t make sense to me to spend money on somthing I didn’t need unless I did need it.
Trying not to be envious of your sunny weather. 🙂
I, too find myself affected by the short days. It’s a bit better now, as my desk is in front of a window with an awesome view of the Wasatch Mountains. But in my last office, I had no windows and I was truly a victim of Seasonal Affective Disorder.
I do take Vitamin D in the winter, although my calcium does include some, but testing showed I needed more. And, I make a point of doing outdoor activity such as hiking or skiing at least once a week.
But, I must admit the extended cold and valley inversion here has made it more gloomy than usual right now. I am really hoping for another snowstorm to clear the air–and make even better skiing! :0)
What a wonderful sight out your window!
The SAD is not something everyone understands. It’s a disorder that really does mess with your life. I’m much better now that I’m taking the supplements. I can not make myself go out side when it is cold. I’m hypothyroid and the cold affects unpleasently.
I hope you get your snowstorm. 🙂
I too have yellow walls. I love the color yellow crave the sun during winter. I try to be out as much as I can, but sometimes, it is just too cold!
Hi Jen,
I so understand that. If there is a sunny window seat in the winter that’s where I go. I don’t like that cold at all.
We lack sunshine here in Michigan during winter, and it’s extremely cold today. Started out at about five below zero and rose to ten above this afternoon. I managed to ski for about 20 minutes. The poor dogs freeze their feet just going in the yard on potty breaks. They really miss their walks.
The way I deal with the lack of sunshine is to turn on lights in whatever room I’m working in. We’ve had brilliant sunshine for a few days now so it seems strange to talk about seasonal deficit, but clouds will return to darken daytime hours, and when the days are already so short, it’s easy to see how folks can become depressed in winter.
When I was a teen, my folks let me redo my bedroom and I painted it yellow. It was the most uplifting room to be in with sheer mint green curtains and bedspread in dotted Swiss. I’ve always loved yellow, and in fact I’m wearing it right now — a sweater vest and sweater my mother knitted for me many years ago. They’re warm and cheerful in winter.
Donna! The mere mention of dotted swiss brings back so many memories.
I can’t imagine living where there is so much snow. I like it for a short time–a blast of winter and then I’m ready for sun, heat and open windows.
Yes, I have yellow walls in two rooms of my house. I too, lack Vita D. I am not always faithful with the supplements I’m to take. It’s a beautiful sunshiny day here, but it’s also 25 degrees. I was out for a short spell while attending a funeral. I wish I had a reason to stay out there.
Patrica, I’m sorry for you loss. Funerals are tough–cold or warm outside.
It’s snowing here today and abouit 17 degrees.
Take your supplements!
We have a lack of sun from about November to March. I try to get outside but not today. it is -8 . I also try to eat well… green shakes and grapefruit. They help quit a bit. and also prayer.
It’s crazy cold here today too, I’m not venturing out the door.