Can a Coupon Lure You?
As I’ve mentioned in other places on this blog we are following the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace way of life. Sometimes it hard…no wait, it’s hard all the time!
I’ve had this desire to purchase a tortilla press for quite some time. I’ve wanted really good tortillas and they have to be gluten-free. I have a recipe for them but not a press.
Making tortillas is supposed to be easy especially if you press them. So I haven’t tried making them since I don’t have the press. Are you following this logic? Ha!
So when the $5.00 off $15.00 coupon from Bed, Bath and Beyond arrived I knew it was time to get that tortilla press.

It’s been awhile since I’ve been inside this mega wonder store. My favorite place is at the front where all the organizing items are located. I touched, pulled things out and marveled at all I’ve missed while on my shopping hiatus.
Then back to what I came for –the tortilla press. They don’t have them in the store. Now what to do? I had a perfectly good coupon for $5. that’s like a five dollar bill in my hand, right?
I continued through the store searching, hunting and even digging through the clearance shelves. I was transfixed by monitors showing me a new way to curl and straighten my hair. Checked the price on that amazing tool–way over $15.
Before leaving I thought I should go back to the organizing items because there had to be something I MUST OWN for five dollars less.
And then it hit me. The coupon was a lure. The item I wanted wasn’t at the store. An item I wasn’t even sure I really wanted but rather desired.
I’d like to say I handed the coupon to another shopper but I stuck it in my purse–just in case.
I did leave the store without purchasing anything. Now that I’m home I’m glad I was able to resist that urge to spend the money to get five dollars off of ‘something.’
Now, I need to find that recipe, try it and if we like it, order the tortilla press.
How about you?
Are you lured into mega stores by coupons?
Have you fought back and won? or lost?
Tell me!
If you’re looking for gluten-free recipes follow me on Pintrest.
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