What I’m writing now
“What are you writing now?”
Johnnie Alexander Donely tagged me in this blog hop and asked me to play along. Thanks Johnnie. Johnnie has a book coming out in January with the same publisher, called Where Treasure Hides.
What’s the tittle?
Arkansas Barbie
Where did the idea come from?
Believe it or not from group Bible study one night.
Genre: contemporary women’s fiction
What actors would play your character in a movie version?
Zooey Deshcheanel would be my top choice for my heroine, she could pull of the quirkiness that would be required.
What’s the Short Synopsis?
Giving up her life in the carnival after becoming Christian, Barbie moves to Arkansas to live a new life. She sets her sights on owning her own business, but what kind is where the problems begin.
Agency Representation
I am blessed to have Tamela Hancock Murray who is with the Steve Laube Agency, as my agent. She has the sweetest attitude about life.
How long did it take to write the first draft?
Ha! It’s not done yet! I’ve only just begun. Here’s a hint the first line is not: It was a dark and stormy night…wait that’s a good line, too bad it’s been used before.
What other books in the genre compare?
Maybe….Sandwich, with a Side of Romance by Krista Phillips or Mind of Madi by Lynda Lee Schab. I’ll know more when I’m finished.
Who or what inspired this WIP?
My friend John L. said something about being an Arkansas Barbie and poof a character was born in my mind. It’s a good thing Bible study was over because all I could think of was the story and the situations Arkansas Barbie would find herself in.
Anything to add?
I like writing all types of fiction, historical and contemporary. My characters are flawed (read sinful) and often trying to blend families. I’ve been told I write with humor, it isn’t intentional and I have trouble seeing it, but I’m not going to argue with those who are laughing.
While you’re waiting for this crazy town book to be written, check out the authors below.
After 12:00 CST hop over to Tyndale and read the Q&A interview they did with me about Mind of Her Own. It’s ready for pre-order or giving as a gift!
Staci Stallings http://spiritlightbooks.wordpress.com Free book today Dec. 5, 2012
Naty Matos http://therisingmuse.com/
Angela Breidenback http://www.angelabreidenbach.
Carrie Daws http://carriedaws.com/
Dana Paltrow http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Ddigital-text&field-keywords=dana+pratola
Love this bloghopping thingy. Arkansas Barbie sounds like a fun read!
Partrica it is fun to see what everyone is ‘thinking’ or doing. 🙂
This is a fun new craze, blog hopping. How fun! I’m bopping over to post on mine now 🙂
Angie Breidenbach
Awesome Angie!
Hi, Diana. Thanks so much for visiting Marty’s Musings and our hutch chalk paint makeover. It was a fun project (well, at least for me since all I did was take pictures!) I haven’t tried any of the homemade chalk paint recipes and there was no way he was going to use it on our first project!
Congrats on your writing and books. I’ve always said I was going to write about our adoption story but I’m not sure there’s enough paper or time!
Marty, that’s what I said about writing We’re not Blended! Not enough paper or nerves. Did it though. 🙂 Sorry it took so long to reply to your comment. Antispam took it. I’m new to wordpress and didn’t know about checking that.
I don’t think I would have tried the homemade chalk paint for the first project either.
Can’t wait to read it! Sounds like a great idea.
Guess I’d better write a few more pages…I’ll get right on that. 🙂