Ever feel like the piles on your desk, the work around the house and those you love are in your face?
Wendell the Taskmaster Cat |
It’s been that way since the beginning of spring at our house. Taking classes on blogging and social media marketing have taken a toll on my work time.
This week has been about taking charge of what needs to be done. Or at least making a list of those things.
- Writing has to come first, I’m way behind on getting proposals written.
- It’s time to clean out the closet -AGAIN…I really thought that was a once and done project
- Spring cleaning and I’ve looked for springs in my house to clean. Didn’t find any so I can scratch that off my list, right?
- Sign up for ROW80— a place to post my writing goals
Seriously, are things piling up on you? Tell me in a comment below.
There are strange noises coming from behind me. It is a cat, hiding in a little secret spot on a shelf directly behind my head. He's a terrible taskmaster… he tends to do the opposite, telling me I should be paying attention to him instead of to my WIP!
Amnybethinverness, I have another cat-not pictured that does that. He sits on my keyboard so I can't do anything but pet him. I love cats.
I, too, love the picture of Wendell. I think his sister lives at my house.
This past weekend I did clean my office (again!) and have kept my bottom in my office chair in front of the computer for many hours a night since then. And even with nothing else in my face, I have accomplished only a small number of my writing goals. Maybe I will try ROW80 come July.
Good for you for keeping yourself in that chair and completing some of those writing goals. I think ROW80 will be a big help for me. You don't have to wait until July to start. 🙂
The pile up happens by the end of every week. I find myself spending Monday decluttering, clearing, and cleaning just to make the house feel usable again. As for those closets, why can't that be a one and done thing? I clean my closet at least 2 or 3 times a year.
S.M. I don't understand the mystery of the closet either. It's not like I buy a ton of new clothes each season.
The past few years of returning to work full time has created a perpetual state of massive pile-up for me, so I can fully appreciate where you're coming from. After working full time, running errands, playing secretary for my husband, chores, and last but not least–trying to jump start my writing career–I'd just love for Santa to bring me my own personal executive assistant 🙂 That's not too much to ask for, is it?
PS–I love, love, love the pic of Wendell.
I don't think it's too much, Elaine. I could use one myself. Diana
PS Wendell said thank you.